Privacy Policy

The Commitment

Secureway Capital Sdn Bhd (593870-U) is subjected to the PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION ACT 2010. We promise to process personal data based on the data subject's rights (customers) as follows:

  1. The right to be to,d whether their data will be processed by the organisation or third parties
  2. The right to access own personal data
  3. The right to correct own personal data
  4. The right to withdraw consent given to process personal data
  5. The right to prevent processing own personal data likely to cause damage or stress
  6. The right to prevent processing own personal data for purposes of direct marketing

Our rights as data users
  1. The right to process the personal data after obtaining the consent of the data subject
  2. Can continue to process personal data for the performance of a contract where the data is subject is a party to it
  3. Can continue to process the personal data of the data subject request to make a contract.
  4. Can continue to process personal data in order to protect the vital interests of the data subject
  5. Can continue to process personal data in compliance with the obligations of law where the data subject is subjected to it.
  6. Can continue to process the personal data for administering justice
  7. Can charge a fee to data subjects upon request to access his own personal data
  8. Can continue to process the personal data for carrying out the functions conferred upon any person or under any law.
  9. May refuse to comply with a data access request by informing the data subject in writing within the specified time

Secureway Capital Sdn Bhd

Kami menawarkan pinjaman peribadi & pinjaman bisnes dengan pinjaman kelulusan yang begitu cepat. Kami sentiasa menawarkan pakej terbaik dari masa ke semasa untuk anda dan kami percaya bahawa kami akan menolong dan selesaikan apajua masalah kewangan anda.

Kami noleh membantu masalah kewangan anda dengan menyediakan Pinjaman Peribadi

Perjanjian memberi pinjam wang hendaklah ditangani oleh pihak di alamat operasi syarikat.

Hubungi Kami

Secureway Capital Sdn Bhd (593870-U)
No. 24, Jalan Mutiara 2, Taman Mutiara, 75350 Melaka
Tel: 06-3173137
H/P: 013-2084533

No. Lesen : WL2823/04/01-11/120826
Tempoh sah Lesen : 13/08/2024 – 12/08/2026
No. Permit Iklan : WP2823/04/01-12/120826
Tempoh sah Permit Iklan : 13/08/2024 – 12/08/2026
Perjanjian memberi pinjam wang hendaklah ditandatangani oleh semua pihak di alamat operasi syarikat.

Kadar faedah tidak melebihi :
18% setahun (tidak bercagar) bersamaan 1.5% sebulan
12% setahun (bercagar) bersamaan 1.0% sebulan